10 Great Interior Design Tips
Interior Designer and Wigoders Contributor Anne Tuohy shares her design tips when planning your home interiors.
How To Hand Paint Your Kitchen
The kitchen has always been the social hub of the home. It needs to be a space you want to spend time in. You can easily transform your tired old kitchen to create an authentic unique look. -
Six simple ways your home can help you win at life
We all want to live happier, healthier, more successful lives, but most of us aren’t putting our homes to work for us in a way that makes it easier to win at life. How can you make your home a tool for success instead of an obstacle to your joy? Let’s look at seven common new years resolutions for 2019 and examine at how our house can help (or hinder) our chance to thrive. -
Don't buy a sofa without reading this
The 10 most important things, that nobody ever told you about buying a sofa! Anne Tuohy shares her top ten tips for buying a sofa.
My 10 Tips to Create a Calm & Happy Home
Guest Blogger Anne Tuohy shares her 10 Tips to Create a Calm & Happy Home. With a little effort, in 2019, you can transform your home into an oasis of calm that supports and nurtures you from the stresses of everyday life , becoming a place of refuge that you really want to relax and chill out in. -
Tidy Your Space, Transform Your Life
Unless you've been living under a rock recently you will have heard about the Netflix show 'Tidying Up with Marie Kondo'. Marie Kondo is a Japanese organizing consultant who is taking the world of messy shelves, sock drawers and dressers to task, asking us to declutter and only allow the things that 'Bring us Joy' to remain in our homes. -
Interior Designers at Wigoders Homestyle Dublin
Check out this beautiful Dublin home that was designed by one of our inhouse designers working with a range of Cole & Son Wallpapers from Wigoders Homestyle on the Long Mile Road, Dublin -
2019 Home Interior Trends
Colour Trend Highlights for 2019 include single-colour rooms in all shades, softer pastels and high end wall decals along with navy walls offset with touches of gold.